Ukraine has received $60M from the World Bank.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022

Ukraine received $60M from the World Bank, which will be directed to state budget expenditures, and will ensure the remuneration of state employees and budget-funded educational institutions, both at the national and regional levels. Of these funds, $50M is provided on preferential terms by the International Development Association (IDA), and the remaining $10M is guaranteed by Latvia. The loan repayment period from the IDA is 10 years with a 4-year grace period; the one-time fee is 0.25%, and the commitment fee is 0.25% per annum of the undrawn balance. The loan’s maturity from Latvia is 18.5 years with a 4-year grace period, a one-time fee of 0.25%, and a commitment fee of 0.25%.