Ukraine continues to develop alternative logistics routes for export.

Road workers repaired 15 km of roadway leading to the T-16-27 checkpoint, Serpneve-Tarutine – Artsyz – Sarata. This will ensure proper travel from the M-15 Odesa-Reni highway exit near the village of Sarata to the T-16-27 highway and the border with Moldova, announced the Ministry of Infrastructure. Developing border infrastructure with Moldova is one of the department’s priorities. As a result, there is a need to develop alternative logistics routes for exporting Ukrainian products and to foster the growing trade between Ukraine and Moldova. In 2022 the turnover between the two states exceeded $1B for the first time, which is 9% more than in 2021. To strengthen this trend, the railway section Berezyne (Ukraine) – Basarabyaska (Moldova) was updated in 2022, and work is underway to increase automobile checkpoints’ capacity.