Ukraine and its allies are preparing a summit of world leaders without Russia.

Kyiv’s peace plan will be discussed at the event, the WSJ reports, citing sources in Ukraine and the EU. In this context, the Ukrainian contingent once again emphasized that direct negotiations with Russia are impossible if its troops remain in the country and that Ukraine will not consider any compromise of its territorial integrity.
Although the meeting is currently only being planned, European leaders have already supported it. Officials say they are working with Kyiv to refine Ukraine’s 10-point peace plan to make it more acceptable to other countries, such as India, Brazil, Saudi Arabia, and China.
President Biden and other NATO leaders will be invited to the meeting, which Western diplomats hope could take place shortly before NATO’s annual summit in July. It aims to return Ukraine and its allies to the center of international diplomacy. European officials want Kyiv’s peace plan to be the reference point for future negotiations.