Two Ukrainian defense startups in the fields of robotics and communications have attracted scaling investments.

The Nezlamni Fund, created by the co-founders of Uklon, has invested in developing Frontline, which develops and produces robotic systems. The investment amount was not disclosed, but it is within the framework of the fund’s standard commitment – $100,000-400,000. The funds will be used to accelerate the implementation of plans to develop new products.
Frontline is a Ukrainian defense-tech startup that has been developing robotic systems for the Defense Forces of Ukraine since 2023. The company creates both air and ground systems.
As well, HIMERA, which develops advanced tactical communication systems for civil and emergency use, attracted $150,000 in its second round of investment from the United Angels Network (UAN), a Ukrainian angel investment cooperative that supports Ukrainian startups. This investment complements the $225,000 obtained in the previous round from UAN, in March 2024. This brings the UAN’s total investment in HIMERA to $375,000.
The funds will be used to develop two of HIMERA’s key areas: developing new tactical communications system products and expanding the business in the Ukrainian and international markets.