Turkish UAV with a Ukrainian engine sets a new record.
Friday, June 24, 2022

The Turkish Akıncı UAV, created by Baykar Makina, which has a Ukrainian-made engine, has set a new altitude record. According to technical director Selcuk Bayraktar, “Akıncı has again broken its national aviation altitude record: 45,118 feet (13 km 752 m – ed.).” The previous Akıncı altitude record was set in April of this year, flying at 35,000 feet (almost 10.7 km). The general director of the Turkish company Baykar Makina, Halyuk Bayraktar, said that the Akinci UAVs of varying power have Ukrainian-made engines on different versions of this combat drone. The Ukrainian engines were manufactured by Ivchenko-Progress and Motor Sich.