The World Bank maintains Ukraine’s economic growth forecast for the current year and provides $109M in grant funding.

The World Bank predicts the growth of the Ukrainian economy to be 3.2% in 2024, according to the bank’s June report, Global Economic Prospects 2024. In January, the forecast was identical. The bank maintained its 2025 growth forecast for the Ukrainian economy at 6.5% with the caveat that the average growth rate in 2025-2026 will be at 5.8%. This forecast assumes active hostilities will continue through 2024 and moderate after that.
As well, Ukraine will receive $109M in grant funding through World Bank projects to restore and support the energy sector. An additional $62M within the framework of the HOPE housing repair project will be directed to small and medium-sized repairs of residential buildings partially damaged as a result of the war. Also, $47M under the RePowerEU project will be used to provide Kharkiv residents with a centralized heat supply; the purchase and installation of heating equipment are planned.