The Vinnytsia region will build a new $15M dry port to facilitate logistics with Odesa ports and EU countries.

A dry port in the Vinnytsia region will help connect the central regions of the country with the ports of Odesa and, through the Mostyska container terminal, with EU countries. It will be a railway terminal that will improve the operational transportation and handling of cargo and, at the same time, the export and import potential of our state.
The amount of private investment in the facility exceeds $15M, and the construction is divided into two phases. In the first stage, the railway infrastructure and the first container yard with a capacity of about 30,000 20-foot container equivalents (TEU) per year. A 2,000 TEU capacity container warehouse will also be built in this stage. Currently, part of the railway tracks, a weighing system, and a 3,500 square meter warehouse are completed.
The dry port’s commissioning is planned for the third quarter of this year.