The Ukrainian government discussed a special investment mechanism within the four-year EU program to reduce financing risks in priority sectors.

On December 4, the Ministry of Economy of Ukraine consulted with an EU delegation regarding Component II of the Ukraine Facility program for 2024-2027. Component II creates a special investment mechanism of €8B to reduce the risks of financing programs in priority sectors, through which private investors can obtain financing for investment projects through international financial institutions.
As the ministry explained, Ukraine will not receive these funds directly. Funding will be channeled through the EBRD, EIB, and other European international financial institutions and bilateral development agencies. The total expected investment amount that Ukraine will be able to attract through this instrument is estimated at €40B.
“We see in this an excellent opportunity for the involvement and development of the private sector and its active participation in the post-war reconstruction of Ukraine, said Volodymyr Kuzyo, Deputy Minister of Economy of Ukraine.