The Ukrainian economy faces a severe problem: a lack of workers.
Thursday, October 19, 2023

Most companies, namely 65% of those surveyed, plan to open new vacancies in 2024, according to an EBA study. Also, more than 80% of businesses do not intend to reduce the number of personnel. In addition, 93% of the study participants confirmed that their companies plan to increase wages in 2024.
In particular:
- 29% of companies plan to increase salaries by 10-15%
- 12% by 5-10%
- 10% by 15-20%
- only 2% will increase salaries by more than 20%
Notably, in 2023 almost half (47%) of the companies surveyed increased wages by 10-15%. The study shows that the businesses have already begun to experience a personnel shortage. 55% of companies confirmed that they already feel a shortage of personnel, 33% noted that they feel it partially, and another 12% are not yet experiencing a shortage.