The trust of Ukrainians in the government is weakening, as is the confidence of the country’s development vector.

A survey by the Kyiv International Institute of Sociology (KIIS) shows that from May 2022 to October 2023, among institutions, the Armed Forces retained the most trust at 94% (in May 2022 – 98%), and volunteers at 87%.
At the same time, trust in central government institutions decreased from 91% to 76%, and fewer trusted the President. Also, trust in the government decreased from 74% to 39% and in the Parliament from 58% to 21%. At the same time, trust in local government has not changed and remains at 50%, but 46% do not trust local government.
KIIS pointed out that “criticism from citizens focuses specifically on the government and the Ukrainian Parliament and to a lesser extent on the President. Also, criticism of local authorities is primarily related to possibly inefficient spending of local budgets”.
At the same time, 60% of the surveyed Ukrainians are optimistic about how the country is moving, while their share decreased by 8 percentage points. The share of those who believe things are going in the wrong direction has increased from 16% to 29%.