The State Property Fund held 19 privatization auctions in four days.

During December 12-16, the State Property Fund held 19 privatization auctions, from which the budget received UAH 100M. The money received from the sale of properties is 11 times more than the total starting prices, the SPFU reported. It is noted that the fiercest bidding took place for a high-rise building owned by the state-owned enterprise Dnipropetrovskavtotransservice. Nine participants competed in the bidding, and the winner agreed to pay UAH 91M, 17 times more than the starting price. In the week from December 19-25, the State Property Fund plans to hold 28 small privatization auctions. Among the exhibited lots is 50% of the state package of shares of the machine-building production association, Orion in Odesa, the starting price of which is UAH 6.85M.