The sowing campaign in Ukraine is ending with 103% of planned farmland planted.

According to the Ministry of Agriculture, as of June 15 the area under early grain and leguminous crops reached 5.6 million hectares, 3% higher than the March forecast. At the same time, the planted area is still 9.3% less than last year, but the farmland area under other grain crops is larger than a year ago, including spring wheat, peas, and buckwheat.
Farmers in 14 regions have already completed the sowing of spring crops. Compared to the pre-war year of 2021, spring cereals and legume amounts are 24.7% lower, sunflower by 17.4%, and sugar beet by 6.2%, but soybeans increased by 27.6%. According to the ministry’s March forecast, this year the areas sown with grain and leguminous crops will amount to 10.24 million hectares, which is 1.4 million hectares less than the figure for 2022, while under oil crops they will grow by 0.9 million hectares to 8.9 million hectares.