The process of rebuilding Ukraine will become more transparent.

A newly adopted draft law, which obliges publishing the prices of building materials in all public procurements, is an essential anti-corruption step to ensure more transparent use of budget funds and all types of international aid, opines the Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE).
The organization drew attention to their analysis of purchases worth more than ₴20M, which demonstrated that customers publish documents containing the price of material resources in only 21% of cases. Now, documents containing price information will become mandatory appendices to a contract to purchase services for ongoing repair, new construction, expansion, reconstruction, capital repair, and restoration of existing objects and structures.
“Prices should correspond to average market prices and be subject to inspection if they exceed these,” ULIE noted.
At the same time, the international business community insists on further information detailing the government’s work to implement the Recovery Plan of Ukraine. Many foreign investors are waiting for more specifics regarding which projects and under what conditions they can join.