The number of official Ukrainian refugees in the EU has been increasing in recent months.

As of October 31, 2023, 4.24 million people who left Ukraine after the beginning of the war had received temporary protection in EU countries. The number of Ukrainian refugees with official status in the EU is growing. At the end of April, 3.9 million people had temporary protection status in the EU, and at the end of July, 4.1 million. More than 98% of people with temporary status are citizens of Ukraine.
The central EU countries that granted temporary protection status to Ukrainians include Germany (28.7%), Poland (22.7%), and the Czech Republic (8.6%). Compared to the end of September 2023, the number of Ukrainian recipients of temporary protection increased in all EU countries except for Denmark, where it decreased by 4.5%.
Adult women account for almost half (46.4%) of recipients of temporary protection in the EU, children nearly a third (33.4%), and adult men – 20.2%.