The NBU is recognized as the regulator of the year by the Central Banking Awards.

Tuesday, March 14, 2023
The NBU is recognized as the regulator of the year by the Central Banking Awards.

For the first time, the National Bank of Ukraine received a title and international recognition for its effective work last year in the war-time conditions. The Central Bank of the Year designation is traditionally awarded to central banks that have strengthened their authority and resolutely implemented measures within their mandate. In the first days of the war, the NBU adopted many tough and effective decisions that helped preserve Ukraine’s financial stability. Also, the regulator ensured the banking system’s smooth operation, data security, information protection, and further integration of the payment infrastructure for non-cash payments. Moreover, the bank maintained the trust of citizens and businesses in the banking system and effectively communicated with all stakeholders, which made it possible to avoid panic and maintained a high level of predictability in the regulator’s actions and understanding of their prerequisites.

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