The NATO summit in Vilnius will bring Ukraine closer to the Alliance’s standards.

During the NATO summit on July 11-12, an aid package designed to bring Ukraine into compliance with the Alliance’s standards within several years will be adopted, said the head of NATO, Jens Stoltenberg. He emphasized once again that Ukraine’s future is in NATO. However, the first priority is establishing itself as a sovereign and independent state. Otherwise, there is no opportunity to discuss membership.
“We need to make sure that when this war is over, there will be reliable arrangements for the security of Ukraine so that Russia cannot rearm and attack again, and the cycle of Russian aggression has been broken”, Stoltenberg added.
At the same time, the Secretary-General warns against haste in the peace negotiations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation and says that the guarantee of the duration of peace is its justice. “Peace cannot mean freezing the conflict and accepting an agreement dictated by Russia”, Stoltenberg stressed.