The Ministry of Finance plans to conduct the second issue of military bonds.

Monday, March 7, 2022
The Ministry of Finance plans to conduct the second issue of military bonds.

 The Prime Minister of Ukraine, Denis Shmyhal, stated that the second round of the army IGLB issue is underway. “Anyone ready to lend to Ukraine, our military, our doctors, and critical infrastructure workers can do so by purchasing military bonds,” said the Prime Minister. During the first auction for the sale of military bonds on March 1, Ukraine raised UAH 8B ($265M) for bonds with a one-year term and an interest rate of 11% per annum. There was also an additional placement of government bonds for a period of two months, from the sale of which the budget received an additional UAH 20.7M at 10% per annum. The National Bank of Ukraine plans to issue bonds in the amount of up to UAH 400B ($13B).

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