The IMF says it will help Ukraine attract additional revenues to its budget.

The IMF is focused on supporting the work of the Ukrainian state and its social obligations, and not on the military sphere, said Alfred Kemmer, director of the European Department of the IMF.
“I always emphasize very clearly – we expect domestic revenues to be generated. Strengthening the economy, structural reforms that support economic activity, and better governance will provide additional tax revenues,” said Kemmer.
He emphasized that donors focus their economic support specifically on the budget’s social component and government functioning.
“We help the government of Ukraine during the war to perform basic functions, such as protection of vulnerable sections of the population, payment of wages, etc.,” he explained.
In particular, the National Revenue Strategy, approved by the government on December 28 to fulfill the terms of the fund’s program, should help Ukraine generate additional revenues. According to Kemmer, the strategy will allow Ukraine “to get more revenue to the budget, to support spending needs during this time”.