The European Commission will hold a meeting with the Ukrainian government in Kyiv on February 2.

Monday, January 30, 2023
The European Commission will hold a meeting with the Ukrainian government in Kyiv on February 2.

According to the official representative of the EC, Eric Mamer, this meeting is a powerful symbol of the solidarity of the European Commission and the EU with Ukraine during these challenging times for the country. On January 27, the European Commission officially announced a trip to Kyiv by a group of European Commissioners led by the head of the EC. It is expected that the Ukrainian capital will be visited by the Executive Deputy Head of the EC for Economy, Valdis Dombrovskis; the Head of EU Diplomacy, Josep Borrell; the Deputy Head of the EC, Margaritis Schinas; additional members from the EC including Virginius SinkeviĨius (environment, oceans, fisheries), Janusz Wojciechowski (agriculture), Ilva Johansson (internal affairs), Nikola Schmit (employment and social rights), Paolo Gentiloni (economy), and Janez Lenarchych (crisis management).

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