The EBRD plans to invest up to €10B in Ukraine over the next five years,

said EBRD Vice President Jürgen Rigterink. He noted that the EBRD, responding to the crisis caused by the war, is focused on five main areas of Ukrainian support, spread between the private sector and the public sector. The five areas of focus include energy security, critical infrastructure, food security, business support and trade finance.
The EBRD vice president explained that through the bank’s decision to increase capital by €4B, the EBRD can leverage four to six times that amount in additional investment. Therefore, over the next five years, the bank expects to be able to invest €1.5-2B in projects in Ukraine every year.
“We do not think that it would be wise for the bank to rely on donor support every time. So, we increased the capital. This will allow us to invest €10B in Ukraine over the next five years, and when the war in over, this amount will grow even more,” he said.