The Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy seaport fails to sell for the tenth time. Why are investors refusing to buy it?

Wednesday, September 18, 2024
The Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy seaport fails to sell for the tenth time. Why are investors refusing to buy it?

The latest auction of the Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy Seaport scheduled for September 16 did not take place due to a lack of bidders. If no applications are received by September 24, the State Property Fund will review the asset’s terms of sale, lower its starting price, and announce another auction.

Companies interested in buying the port note the discrepancy between its current investment attractiveness and the asset’s value. Nika-Tera (Group DF holding), the Potoky plant, and Nibulon were interested in the port’s privatization.

However, Group DF stated that, in its current state, the port’s payback period needs to be shorter to justify an investment in it. Panamax-type vessels, which most often carry cargo for large businesses, cannot enter the port due to shallow water. Because of this, it is difficult for Bilhorod-Dnistrovskyy to compete with the ports of Odesa.

The Nibulon agroholding has also abandoned its plans to buy the port. Infrastructure problems further reduce the port’s attractiveness for Ukrainian agricultural holdings.


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