Horizon Capital is considering the establishment of a fund to attract investment to Ukraine. The American private equity firm, one of the largest in the Ukrainian market, is exploring the creation of a catalyst fund designed to invest in Ukrainian companies alongside major foreign investors s... #DatagroupVolia #HorizonCapital #investments #LennaKoszarny #NJJCapital #XavierNiel
A ten-year Ukrainian telecom deal: A French billionaire has bought Lifecell and Datagrup-Volia. Investment company NJJ Holding, owned by French billionaire Xavier Niel, has completed its acquisition of Ukrainian mobile operator Lifecell and fixed internet provider Datagroup-Volia. This acquisiti... #Datagroup #DatagroupVolia #HorizonCapital #investments #LifeCell #NJJCapital #XavierNiel
A French billionaire will pay $500M for a Ukrainian mobile operator. The French investment company NJJ Capital agreed to pay $500M for the Ukrainian carrier Turkcell Iletisim Hizmetleri AS. Turkcell announced the sale of its Ukrainian business, including Lifecell, at t... #investments #LifeCell #NJJCapital #Turkcell #XavierNiel