The change in the terms of trade between the EU and Ukraine may force farmers to look for new markets. If the mechanisms for exporting agricultural products to the EU after the end of the autonomous trade measures (ATM) change, then supplies of Ukrainian wheat to this market may decrease, the grain ass... #agroexportukraine #agroUkraine #CornExport #EUmarket #Ukrainiangrain #WheatExport
Agrarian analysts predict that Ukrainian wheat prices at seaports will increase. According to the Ukrainian Agri Council (UAC), prices for Ukrainian wheat in the seaports of the Odesa region are expected to rise. It is predicted that in Odessa, prices will go up by $3-$5 per ton i... #agroexportukraine #GrainCorridors #Ukrainiangrain #Ukrainianwheatprice #WheatExport
The maximum volume of wheat exports is expected to reach 25.3 million tons – announced by the Ministry of Agriculture. Ukraine will be able to export no more than 25.3 million tons of wheat in the 2021/2022 marketing year (MR). The Ministry organizes the signing o... #UkraineWHeatharvest #WheatExport #WheatexportfromUkraine
China’s growing appetite for wheat and soybeans, a severe drought in Brazil, growing demand for vegetable oil for biodiesel, and supply chain disruptions caused by the pandemic were cited last week by the Financial Times as reasons for rising food prices. “The drought in Brazi... #AgroUkraine2021 #SoybeansUkraine #WheatExport