Prime Minister and USAID sign an agreement aimed at improving the healthcare system and providing economic growth. The Cabinet Minister of Ukraine and the U.S. government have signed an Additional agreement to the Contract on the implementation of task development” for a total of $9 million. “Thanks to this ... #USAID #USAIDinvestments #USAIDUkraine
Yesterday, the US Embassy announced that the US Government is providing $155 million in “additional development funding” through USAID. In the heading “Counter Russian Aggression” the US will provide $63 million “to reduce Ukraine’s energy and economic dependence on Russia by advancing connections to Europe’s energy grid and strengthe... #USAID #USAIDUkraine #UShelpForUkraine
To cut corruption, all tender documents and tenders are to go online , Kubrakov writes on Facebook. Other EU-standard moves include: an open register of asphalt plants; a calculator for evaluating the experience of contractor; use of internationally recognized contract... #fightingcorruption #OleksandrKubrakov #USAID