The UN predicts the world’s second-largest wheat harvest. According to the Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations (FAO), the 2023 global wheat harvest will be about 786 million tons, the second largest output on record and only 1.3% below t... #FAO #UkraineWHeatharvest #WheatHarvest
The US Department of Agriculture predicts a 2.4% increase in Ukraine’s wheat harvest. The US Department of Agriculture increased the wheat harvest forecast in Ukraine by 2.4% in the current marketing year, July 2022/June 2023. According to the updated estimates from the USDA, in the 20... #CornHarvest #GrainHarvestForcast #UkraineWHeatharvest
The maximum volume of wheat exports is expected to reach 25.3 million tons – announced by the Ministry of Agriculture. Ukraine will be able to export no more than 25.3 million tons of wheat in the 2021/2022 marketing year (MR). The Ministry organizes the signing o... #UkraineWHeatharvest #WheatExport #WheatexportfromUkraine
The USDA has cut its forecast for Russia’s wheat harvest by 15%, to 72.5 million tons. By contrast, the forecast for Ukraine’s wheat harvest has been increased by 10%, to a record 33 million tons, says the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Similarly, the forecast for... #UkraineWHeatharvest #WheatHarvest2021