Retail turnover in Ukraine grew by 18%, but a third of retail revenue occurs in the shadows. According to UTG estimates, Ukraine’s 2024 retail turnover is expected to amount to ₴2.184T despite the war, which is 17.7% more than in 2023 (₴1.822T). Turnover is also growing in dollar equiva... #NAIUkraine #RetailTradeTurnover #retailUkraine #UkraineEconomy #UkraineShadowEconomy
Ukraine has introduced a new regulation of the export of grain, honey, and nuts to combat the shadow economy. The Cabinet of Ministers introduced an export support regime for operations involved with exporting certain agricultural goods during martial law in Ukraine. This regime will establish minimum export ... #agroexportukraine #agroUkraine #TarasKachka #UkraineBudget #UkraineShadowEconomy
Ukraine needs to reduce the size of its shadow economy to continue receiving help from Western partners. As FT writes, Ukrainian authorities are trying to improve the country’s financial condition by implementing several scenarios simultaneously, which can be called a mixture of debt restructuring,... #AmChamUkraine #ForeignInvestor #ReformsinUkraine #UkraineBudget #UkraineEconomy #UkraineShadowEconomy
Shadow employment costs Ukraine’s state budget UAH 100B every year. When Ukrainian employers do not declare their employment relationships and pay salaries in cash, the state budget of Ukraine loses revenue, which amounts to about UAH 100B ($2.73B) every year. “... #AndriyKharchenko #ShadowSalaries #UkraineBudget #UkraineShadowEconomy
De-shadowing brought the budget more than UAH 50B . According to Chairman of the Committee on Finance, Tax and Customs Policy Danilo Getmantsev,, the state budget received an additional UAH 14.8B from domestic taxes in December alone, or 42.6% more t... #ShadowEconomy #UkraineShadowEconomy