The World Bank will provide almost $600M in financing for Ukrainian businesses, and USAID provides $6M to four companies to increase exports. The World Bank is starting a new $593M program to support small and medium-sized businesses in Ukraine. The financing consists of $283M from the ADVANCE Ukraine trust fund (from Japan), $300M from the... #ADVANCEukraine #DeltaFood #SuziriaGroup #USAID #UtermUkraine #worldbank
Suziria Group will receive $2M from USAID to launch a new pet food production line. The USAID project, Investments for Business Sustainability, concluded a $2M grant agreement with Suziria Group, one of the leaders in the Ukrainian pet product market, to increase its production capac... #FeedProduction #GrantsForBusiness #investments #PetFood #SuziriaGroup #USAID
A Ukrainian pet food manufacturer invested almost ₴20M in a new enterprise. Suziria Brands, which is part of the Ukrainian Suziria Group and specializes in the production of pet products, launched a new pet treat production facility under the Half & Half brand. It is note... #HalfAndHalf #PetFood #SuziriaGroup #UkrainianEnterprises