The OKKO Group has started building the first hotels at the GORO Mountain Resort. Construction of the OKKO Group’s first hotel complex has begun at the GORO Mountain Resort. The first complex consists of three hotels with 415 rooms. The total area is 48,000 square meters, of ... #GOROMountainResort #HotelsConstruction #investments #LvivRegion #okko #SkiResorts #VitalyAntonov
OKKO starts construction of an all-season ski resort worth $1.5B. The largest gas station network in Ukraine, OKKO Group, is building an all-season mountain resort, the GORO Mountain Resort in the Lviv region. Construction was planned to begin in the spring of 2022,... #GOROMountainResort #investments #okko #SkiResorts #Львів
High speed rail High speed rail: China, Italy, South Korea and Turkey are interested in building a fast train network across Ukraine. “The only tool for building high-speed train networks is a concession – to r... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
EU rail gauge EU rail gauge: Preliminary work on restoring a 20 km section of EU narrow track to connect Uzhhorod with Chop, the Ukrainian border town with rail ties to Hungary and Slovakia. By rebuilding this Haps... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
Electrification: Electrification: The European Investment Bank has promised to finance the electrification of tracks to Lysychansk and Severnodonetsk, Kava said. This would almost cut in half – to eight hours — ... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
River locks River locks: The European Investment Bank and the Infrastructure Ministry are preparing an agreement to rebuild the locks on the six dams of the Dnipro cascade. “This year is a preparatory year for us... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
The Finance Ministry depressed yields on five out of six bonds sold yesterday at auction The Finance Ministry depressed yields on five out of six bonds sold yesterday at auction, the Ministry reports on Facebook. For the hryvnia bonds, yields ranged from 9.2% for 3-month bonds to 12.05% f... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
“Given still light positioning, there is a potential for ongoing massive foreign inflows into UAH bonds,” “Given still light positioning, there is a potential for ongoing massive foreign inflows into UAH bonds,” ICU predicted yesterday in a 20-page report on the government hryvnia bond market, “UAH bonds ... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
The Prosecutor General’s Office yesterday charged Oleksandr Dubilet, former CEO of PrivatBank, with forgery and embezzlement of the equivalent of $5 million The Prosecutor General’s Office yesterday charged Oleksandr Dubilet, former CEO of PrivatBank, with forgery and embezzlement of the equivalent of $5 million on the day before the bank was declared ins... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
In the embezzlement case, prosecutors charged two other former executives of PrivatBank. In the embezzlement case, prosecutors charged two other former executives of PrivatBank. After it was declared insolvent, the bank was bailed out with $5 billion in public money. One of the former exe... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
Kolomoisky and his business partner Gennadiy Bogolyubov were not charged in the embezzlement case. Kolomoisky and his business partner Gennadiy Bogolyubov were not charged in the embezzlement case. But they are under investigation in the United States for allegedly laundering money from Ukraine to ... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
PrivatBank, Ukraine’s largest and most profitable bank, is moving aggressively into the cashless economy. PrivatBank, Ukraine’s largest and most profitable bank, is moving aggressively into the cashless economy. Last month, despite almost three weeks of lockdown, Ukrainians made 137 million cashless payme... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
With the support of a €200 million soft loan from the European Investment Bank, 29 cities across Ukraine will receive almost 1,000 mass transit vehicles With the support of a €200 million soft loan from the European Investment Bank, 29 cities across Ukraine will receive almost 1,000 mass transit vehicles – buses, trolley buses and trams, Infrastructur... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
The EBRD will loan Kyiv €50 million to buy new subway cars The EBRD will loan Kyiv €50 million to buy new subway cars, Mark Magaletsky, deputy head of the bank’s Ukraine office, said yesterday. Mayor Klitschko said the City Council has voted to provide local ... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
More than a shopping list, the Forum provided a to do list for infrastructure projects committed for this year. More than a shopping list, the Forum provided a to do list for infrastructure projects committed for this year. Here are highlights. Roads will follow tomorrow. #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
Railroad stations Railroad stations concessions to private operators. First in line are: Kyiv-Passenger and Vinnytsia. Next in line are: Dnipro-Main, Kharkiv-Passenger, Mykolaiv, Chop and Khmelnitsky. Minister Krikliy ... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
Seaport concessions: Seaport concessions: Chornomorsk ferry, Chornomorsk container; Odesa passenger; Berdyansk, Izmail and Mariupol. Last year’s concessions to private foreign investors of parts of Kherson and Olvia, in M... #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts
Ski resorts: Ski resorts: Construction starts this year on two resorts in the Carpathians – Borzhava in Zakarpattia, and Slavske in Lviv. Austrian investors interested in Borzhava. #ConsessionsinUkraine #NewBuseesforUkraine #NewtransportforUkraine #OlexandrDubilet #PrivatBank #publictransportationupgrade #RiverLocks #SkiResorts #UkraineSeaPorts