Visa-free transport given by the EU has increased Ukraine’s exports and imports by road by more than 40%. Ukrainian exports and imports to and from the EU increased by 47.5% and 44%, respectively, during the agreement on cargo transportation between Ukraine and the EU (transport visa-free), Minister of In... #OleksandrKubrakov #RoadTransportAgreements #transportvisafree #UkraineTrade #ВідвантаженнятоварівУкраїна
The volume of Ukrainian food exports by road transport is gradually recovering after the partial opening of the border with Poland. It is noted that Ukrainian food exports by road reached 142,000 tons by December11, compared to 187,000 tons for the same period in November. There is a gradual recovery of transport flows on the bord... #agroexportukraine #RoadTransportAgreements #ВідвантаженнятоварівУкраїна
Another threat to Ukrainian land exports: five Eastern European countries demand that Brussels revises the transport agreement with Ukraine. On November 20, members of the International Road Transport Union (IRU) from Hungary, Poland, Slovakia, the Czech Republic, and Lithuania will send a joint letter to the President of the European Comm... #Cargotransportation #RoadTransportAgreements #transportvisafree #UkrainianCarriers
The EU approves simplified road transport procedures between Ukraine and the EU. The European Parliament approved the agreements between the European Union with Ukraine and Moldova to simplify the cross-border transportation of goods. The two new agreements are part of the EU̵... #EUandUkraine #freightcarriers #RoadTransportAgreements #transportvisafree
The European Parliament has approved road transport agreements with Ukraine and Moldova. The European Parliament’s Committee on Transport and Tourism has approved two separate agreements with Ukraine and Moldova, which should simplify cross-border transportation of goods. The new EU agr... #MoldovaTransportSector #RoadTransportAgreements #TransportationOfGoods #UkraineTransportSector