Canada will finance Ukraine’s rural population’s business initiatives, and Piraeus Bank will support Ukrainian SMEs along with the DFC. The Ministry of Agrarian Policy, the Canadian NGO SOCODEVI, and the Dnipropetrovsk Regional Public Organization will cooperate to develop entrepreneurship for the rural population that has been affect... #DFC #LoansforBusiness #PiraeusBank #PiraeusBankUkraine #SupportBusiness #Ukrainianfarmers
Piraeus Bank opened its fifteenth branch in Zhytomyr as part of its strategy to expand its network across Ukraine. Despite the war’s challenges, Piraeus Bank remains a reliable partner for Ukrainian businesses with over 100 years of history and steadfast European values. This marks the fifteenth branch openi... #IliasMouzakis #PiraeusBank #PiraeusBankUkraine #YannisKyriakopoulos #Zhytomyr
The DFC helps Piraeus Bank to unlock $25M in new bank lending to Ukrainian SMEs. Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) are the backbone of Ukraine’s economy, creating jobs and providing much-needed goods and services. Because of the war, commercial lending in Ukraine has becom... #agroUkraine #DFC #IoannisKyriakopoulos #JohnDidiuk #LoansforBusiness #PiraeusBank #PiraeusBankUkraine
Piraeus Bank helps to support Okhmatdyt Children’s Hospital. After the tragedy that shook the world, more than 320,000 people from 55 countries and around 50 companies have donated to the needs of the hospital and to support its patients, including Piraeus Bank... #Charity #DonationstoUkraine #Okhmatdyt #PiraeusBank #PiraeusBankUkraine
Despite the war, Piraeus Bank continues to show long-term dedication to Ukraine by supporting the rebuilding of energy infrastructure. Piraeus Bank joined 17 leading financial institutions by signing a memorandum in Kyiv on bank lending for rebuilding energy infrastructure projects in the war-torn country. This pivotal step reaffirms... #EnergyRestore #IoannisKyriakopoulos #LoansforBusiness #PiraeusBank #PiraeusBankUkraine #YannisKyriakopoulos
The largest banks in Ukraine have agreed on preferential lending to restore energy infrastructure; they will finance projects up to €25M. During a banking forum, 17 of Ukraine’s largest banks signed a memorandum on preferential lending for energy infrastructure restoration projects. The memorandum was signed by banks whose net ass... #EnergyRestore #Lending #LoansforBusiness #PiraeusBank #PiraeusBankUkraine #RenewableEnergy #UkraineEnergy #UkrainianBanks