The EBRD is partnering with more banks in Ukraine to support local businesses. Today’s signing of a €50M Risk Sharing Framework (RSF) agreement between the EBRD and Credit Agricole Ukraine will enhance the bank’s lending capacity to make loans to a greater number of ... #CreditAgricole #ebrd #LoansforBusiness #OTP #PiraeusBank #PiraeusBankUkraine #SupportBusiness
The EBRD provides a guarantee to OTP Leasing to finance Ukrainian small and medium-sized enterprises. The guarantee will cover 50% of OTP Leasing’s new subleasing contracts with a total value of up to €80M. Financing will be provided in two tranches of €40M each, the first of which has already been co... #BusinessSupport #ebrd #investments #OTP #OTPleasing
OTP Bank buys Albanian subsidiary of Alfa-Bank for €55 mln, announced the bank. The transaction is expected to be concluded in the second quarter of 2022, and OTP Group’s market share in Albania will exceed 11% of the sector’s total assets, and its... #OTP #OTPbank #OTPbuysAlbanianBank