European Commission ready to consult with Ukraine on Nord Stream-2 certification. Ukraine is in the process of preparing its opinion on the draft decision of the German Federal Network Agency Bundesnetzagentur on the certification of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline. It was stated by... #nordstream2 #NordStream2Certification
Germany’s energy regulator has suspended the certification of Nord Stream 2. The approval process for the pipeline which will bring gas into Europe has been thrown a new roadblock to the contentious project, and drove up regional gas prices, reported Reuters. The reason that t... #nordstream2 #NordStream2Certification
Naftogaz will participate in the certification of Nord Stream-2. The German energy regulator BNetzA has allowed Naftogaz Ukraine to take part in the certification of the Nord Stream-2 gas pipeline operator. This was announced by the CEO, Yuri Vitrenko. “The regulat... #NaftogazParticipationinCertification #NaftogazUkraine #nordstream2 #NordStream2Certification
GTS Ukraine operator has applied for participation in the process of certification of the Nord Stream-2 operator. On Wednesday, October 20, it submitted an application to the German energy regulator (Bundesnetzagentur) to participate in the certification procedure of Nord Stream-2 AG. “We continue to strong... #nordstream2 #NordStream2Certification #UkraineGTS
Naftogaz applied to participate in the certification of the Nord Stream 2, said the company in a press release. The Russian financed pipeline is designed to increase Europe’s reliance on its gas, and weaken European energy security and competitive gas markets. “Our request f... #Naftogaz #nordstream2 #NordStream2Certification
Nord Stream 2 gas will not help us this winter, said Laus-Dieter Maubach, head of Uniper, one of Gazprom’s European partners in the project. According to recent reports in Bloomberg, Maubach believes the pipeline’s certification will be... #GasTransit #nordstream2 #NordStream2Certification #RussianGasforEU
After the completion of the Nord Stream-2 pipeline, on Monday Germany’s energy regulator said it had four months to complete a certification. After receiving all the necessary documentation, Nord Stream 2has lodged an application for an operating license from the pipeline company. The Federal Network Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) (BNA) has com... #nordstream2 #NordStream2Certification #NordstreamCompleted