Another 500 passenger cars will be built for Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ), reported Interfax. In the next two years, UZ will increase its fleet of passenger cars by purchasing another 500 units, said President Volodymyr Zelensky. “This year, Ukrzaliznytsia will receive... #NewPassengerCars #UkraineRailRoad #Ukrzaliznytsia #UZ
Ukrzaliznytsia (UZ) received the first new passenger carriages. Five compartment cars were constructed by the Kryukiv Car-Building Plant (KVBZ). Under the terms of the contract, 20 out of 100 cars ordered must be delivered by the end of 2021. #NewPassengerCars #UkraineRailRoad #Ukrzaliznytsia #UZ