Russia wants to make deals with the US to end the war on its own terms. Kirill Dmitriev, the Russian president’s special representative for foreign economic cooperation, has targeted President Donald Trump and his ally Elon Musk to persuade them to engage in agreements wi... #Arctic #CriticalMetals #DonaldTrump #KirillDmitriev #MineralMining #Putin #WarinUkraine
The US has not ruled out the Russian mineral extraction proposal from Ukraine’s occupied territories. The Russian Federation has offered the US access to rare earth metals and other resources in the temporarily occupied areas of Ukraine, particularly in parts of the Donetsk and Zaporizhia regions. Acc... #CriticalMetals #DonaldTrump #MineralMining #OccupiedTerritoriesOfUkraine #PeaceTalks #Putin
Ukraine’s mineral agreement with the US is not yet ready to be signed. President Zelenskyy said that the proposed agreement concerning the use of Ukrainian natural resources has still not been finalized. The document does not adequately protect the country’s intere... #MineralAgreement #MineralMining #MiningUkraine #ScottBessent #SecurityGuaranteesForUkraine #Zelenskyy
Almost half of Ukraine’s mineral deposits are occupied or already owned. As of January 2025, Ukraine’s mineral and other resource deposits that are under occupation have a combined value that reaches 48% of all Ukrainian resources. According to expert estimates made ... #MineralDepositsUkraine #MineralMining #MiningIndustry #NEQSOL #OccupiedTerritoriesOfUkraine #UMCC
The occupied territories hold minerals that are worth trillions; Ukraine will not give these resources away but will allow its allies to earn profit on reconstruction. The value of Ukrainian minerals in the Russian-occupied territories is estimated at trillions of dollars, which means that sanctions that lead to Russian financial losses of $10-20B in specific sector... #CriticalMetals #investments #MineralMining #MiningIndustry #OccupiedTerritoriesOfUkraine #SanctionsAgainstRussia #UkraineReconstruction #Zelenskyy
Manufacturers and critical material processors propose investment projects worth $800 million. These proposals are related to the extraction of critical raw materials, their processing, and the production of final target products. The participants of a sectoral working group have proposed 29 re... #MineralMining #MineralsofUkraine #MiningInvestmentsUkraine
Planning a series of license auctions for this year, Ukraine has prepared an Investment Atlas with approximately 30 critical mineral assets , including titanium, lithium, nickel, cobalt, chrome, tantalum, niobium, beryllium, zirconium, scandium, molybdenum, gold and graphite, Opimakh said to S&P. Five gold blocks are to auctioned. “Uk... #MineralMining #MineralsAssetsofUkraine #mininginukraine #UkraineMinterasl