Metinvest has boosted its ore exports, continues to invest in Ukraine, and is constructing a plant in Europe. In 2024, the Metinvest mining and metallurgical group significantly increased its total exports and sales of iron ore raw materials to over 12 million tons and notably reduced production costs, said C... #GreenMetallurgy #investments #Kametstal #MetallurgyUkraine #Metinvest #YuriyRyzhenkov
Metinvest plans to invest a record amount to modernize the Kametstal plant. In 2025, mining and metallurgical group Metinvest will invest over ₴2.5B ($60M) in upgrading the Kametstal plant, established at the facilities of the Dnipro Metallurgical Combine in the Dnipropetrovs... #Dnipropetrovsk #investments #Kametstal #MetallurgyUkraine #Metinvest