Ukraine has caught up with Russia’s tank numbers. According to Bloomberg, new data on military aid to Ukraine highlights a significant change in the balance of heavy weapons on the nation’s battlefields after 500 days of war. The Ukraine Support Trac... #BattleTanks #HeavyWeapons #OryxGroup #WarinUkraine
Germany focuses on the US on the issue of supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine. As Politico writes, according to two German officials, Chancellor Olaf Scholz’s position on providing arms to Ukraine depends significantly on US President Joe Biden. At the same time, the UK... #BattleTanks #HeavyWeapons #OlafScholz #WeaponsforUkraine
The German opposition supports supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine. The German opposition supports supplying heavy weapons to Ukraine. #CDU #CSU #GermanOpposition #GermanWeapons #HeavyWeapons