Investors believe that the war in Ukraine will soon come to an end. Following Donald Trump’s re-election, investor sentiment has become more optimistic about Ukraine’s future. Markets have responded very positively to any advancements toward a long-term an... #DonaldTrump #ForeignCompaniesShares #ForeignInvestor #SecuritiesMarket #UkrainianCompaniesShares #WarEnding #WarinUkraine
How will the collapse of European, Asian, and US stock markets affect Ukraine? The value of shares in leading US and European companies and businesses is rapidly decreasing. First, the reduction concerns assets with a high level of risk. For Ukraine, these events in the financia... #FinancialMarket #ForeignCompaniesShares #foreignexchangemarket #StockMarket
During the war, Ukrainians began to look towards instruments including shares in foreign companies, agricultural land, and real estate. According to minfin, the number of people willing to experiment with Eurobonds is due to high profitability in euros. A little more than 20% of the respondents’ potential future investment portf... #AssetsOfUkrainians #eurobonds #ForeignCompaniesShares #Foreigninvestments