Another Ukrainian company has begun exporting biomethane to the EU. A biomethane plant ownded by the agro-industrial holding MHP exported 27,400 cubic meters of biomethane to the EU, making it the second Ukrainian company to export this gas. MHP exported the biomethan... #agroUkraine #BiomethaneExport #BiomethaneUkraine #energyukraine #MHP #VitagroGroup #Vitol
Ukraine has started supplying biomethane to the EU. The State Customs Service has completed the customs declaration required to move the first batch of biomethane across Ukraine’s customs border for export to Europe by pipeline. “Ukraine ha... #Biomethane #BiomethaneExport #BiomethaneUkraine #energyukraine #Germany #VitagroGroup
Ukrainian biomethane producers will have access to gas networks. The National Energy Regulator of Ukraine approved a draft resolution of amendments to the Code of Gas Distribution Systems. It unifies technical conditions for connecting biomethane production facilit... #BioGas #Biomethane #BiomethaneExport #energyukraine #HeorhiyHeletukha
A Ukrainian company, for the first time, has transported biomethane using the domestic gas transmission system and has plans to export. The VITAGRO group of companies, with assets in the agricultural, energy, processing, construction, and chemical industries, supplied biomethane into Ukraine’s gas transportation system, which wi... #BiomethaneExport #biomethaneproduction #energyukraine #VitagroGroup
By the end of the year, Ukraine can export 100 million cubic meters of biomethane. The MHP agricultural holding’s top manager, Adomas Audickas, said: “If the open markets and buyers are found, Ukraine will be able to export about 100 million cubic meters of biomethane pe... #AdomasAudickas #Biomethane #BiomethaneExport #investments #MHP
MoF: Ukraine can officially start exporting biomethane. The Ministry of Finance published an order defining the customs clearance procedure for biomethane transported by pipeline, allowing the export of biomethane to begin. The Gas Transmission System Oper... #alternativeenergy #BiomethaneExport #BiomethanePlant #BiomethaneUkraine #UkraineGTS