Vitagro has invested $50M in agro-processing and expanding its land bank. Since the onset of the full-scale war, the Vitagro group of companies has invested over $50M of its own funds to process and grow its land bank from 60,000 hectares to more than 90,000 hectares. Accor... #AgroInvestments #agroUkraine #bioethanolUkraine #FoodProcessingUkraine #UkraineLandBank #VitagroGroup
Ukraine has launched its third biomethane plant and plans to produce bioethanol in partnership with Brazil. A third company in Ukraine has begun producing biomethane at its facility, and four more are expected to become operational within the year. The first two biomethane plants are reported to have an ann... #bioethanolUkraine #Biomethane #BiomethaneUkraine #Brazil #VitaliyKoval
The Rada passed yesterday in first reading a bill that would mandate that bioethanol’s compose 5% of gasoline sold in Ukraine by next May . In Brazil, most bioethanol’s come from sugar cane. In the US, they come from corn. #bioethanolUkraine