Legal extraction of amber in Ukraine has increased by 1,400%; the state issued more than 400 permits for subsoil use. Last year, the amount of legal amber mining in Ukraine reached 39.2 tons, 1,400% more than in 2019 before the law that legalized its mining came into force, reported the State Geology and Subsoil Serv... #AmberMining #AmberSalesUkraine #MIningMineralsUkraine #StateGeologySubsoilService
The first amber auctions brought UAH 1M to the state on the Prozorro platform. According to the results from the first auction on February 27, the State Storehouse of Precious Metals and Stones earned its first million hryvnias, says a message from Prozorro.Sales. Six of the 17 ... #AmberSalesUkraine #ProzorroAuction
The Ukrainian state will hold the first amber auctions later this month. On February 27, the state auction platform Prozorro.Sales will host 17 amber auctions for more than UAH 13M ($0.355M). It is emphasized that the first online amber auctions will be held by the State D... #AmberSalesUkraine #AuctionUkraine #Prozorrosales