Several mechanisms for attracting investors will be launched in Ukraine.

As the Deputy Minister of Economy Oleksandr Hryban clarified, one of them will be implemented in cooperation with the Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA), which has already allocated $30M to Ukraine for the implementation of a pilot project on investment insurance. According to Hryban, an investor who wants to invest in Ukraine can purchase an insurance policy to protect their interests. In the event of force majeure, the agency, like an insurance company, will reimburse them for their expenses. Also, the Ministry of Economy expects that up to $1B will be allocated for investment insurance from the $17B World Bank trust fund to restore Ukraine in 2023. Another financial instrument for attracting investments was developed by the Ministry and the International Finance Corporation (IFC), which is part of the World Bank’s structure. This project will utilize approximately $1B from the IFC and another international bank, presumably the EBRD. The total volume of projects will amount to more than $3B.