OKKO group will build a 150 MW wind farm as well as bioethanol and biodiesel plants.

CEO of the OKKO group Vasyl Danylyak said, “In the fall, we will start our first wind energy project with a capacity of 150 MW in Volyn.”
In addition, the group has already purchased the necessary equipment to construct an energy storage facility.
Danylyak also said that the company has been working on the establishment of a biofuel processing strategy for the past two years and has achieved significant results in these matters. At the end of last year, the concept of a bioethanol plant was approved, and now a biodiesel plant is under development. According to the OKKO CEO, preparatory work has already begun to construct a bioethanol plant in the Ternopil region with a production volume of 83,000 tons per year within two years.
The company also explained that entering the agricultural sphere is related to the need to partially supply its own raw materials for future bioethanol and biodiesel plants, and later, biomethane production.