No major investor has left the Zhytomyr region during the war; a Polish company is preparing to invest ₴15M in the mining industry.

As reported by Vitaliy Bunechko, the head of Zhytomyr OVA, Polish company Cersanit, which has a large sanitary wares production plant in Zvyagel (Ukraine), plans to invest ₴15M in the kaolin clay deposit in the Zvyagel district.
“They built a new workshop before the war but never started using it. The workshop is completely ready to connect and put it into operation. I am sure that it will finally happen,” he added.
Among other large investors in the region’s mineral resources is the BGV group, which, before the war, invested about €20M in a granite quarry based on the Zherevsky deposit, which will be useful during Ukraine’s reconstruction. BGV is also interested in and has licenses for beryllium development in the Olevsk district.
Bunechko also noted that no major investor has left the Zhytomyr region during the full-scale war. Moreover, the Bayer company expanded its production, investing €60M.