More than 10 companies are seeking to build three dozen biomethane plants in Ukraine,

reported the Operator of GTS of Ukraine. It is noted that the GTS Operator is considering the development plans of Ukraine’s gas transportation system and is currently ready to provide biomethane transportation services.
However, it is still necessary to work out the mechanisms of cross-border trade in biomethane, in particular, the removal of barriers for the sale of biomethane transported by the gas transportation system in EU countries. It is also important to unify regulatory requirements for biomethane with EU countries and remove internal restrictions on its export. This concerns the coordination of customs formalities for the registration of the movement of biomethane across the border. Another issue is ensuring the issuance of guarantees and certificates of origin for biomethane that will be recognized in both the domestic and foreign markets.
The industry’s development also requires the creation of additional financial instruments for cross-border lending, which could be used to fully or partially cover the producer’s costs for network connection.