Logistics by rail is becoming more expensive, increasing the prices of goods.

Ukrainian Railways (UZ) established new transportation rates in November, affecting the cost of renting various types of wagons. In particular, the cost of renting grain trucks increased by ₴400 and now amounts to ₴1,000 ($27) per day, against ₴600 last month.
At the same time, semi-trucks, also used to transport grain, can be rented for ₴1,200 ($33) per day, which is ₴150 less than in October. Tankers intended to transport food products also cost ₴1,200 per day. However, the cost of renting cement trucks converted into grain transport vehicles increased to ₴650 per day, which is ₴100 more than in the previous month.
These changes in rental rates will become effective in November and affect costs for companies and enterprises that use UZ wagons to transport their goods.