Investors have given support to a draft law that allows for the completion of green power plant construction in two years.

Renewable energy investors in Ukraine support the draft law developed by the Ministry of Energy, which would provide two years to complete unfinished green energy projects, according to the European-Ukrainian Energy Agency (EUEA). The agency noted that they support the need for a two-year extension that is necessary to connect to the network and commission the green power plants, the construction of which was planned for 2022. At the same time, the EUEA drew attention to the fact that the document does not regulate the issue of extending by two years the deadlines for business obligations regarding the construction and commissioning of electricity facilities that are built under these technical conditions. According to the EUEA, investors in wind power projects with a total capacity of 800 MW have already purchased equipment and had planned to complete construction of green power plants by the end of 2022.