Industrial production increased by almost 6% over the year.

According to the State Statistics Service, industrial production in Ukraine increased by 5.9% in 2023, while the fall in 2022 was 36.7%. According to the year’s results, production in the processing industry increased by 12.3%, production of computers, electronic and optical products – by 58.8%, production of rubber and plastic products – by 20.7%, mechanical engineering – by 16, 7%, furniture production – by 16.6%, chemical industry – by 15.5%, food industry – by 15%, metallurgy – by 8%, woodworking industry – by 3.5%.
The production of coke and oil refining products showed the largest decline in the processing industry – 31.4%. At the same time, a 2.3% decrease was recorded in the supply of electricity, gas, and steam, and a 2.2% decrease in the mining industry. Production of metal ores fell the most – by 10.2%, coal – by 3.3%, while oil and gas remained at 2022’s level.
In nominal terms, Ukraine sold industrial products in the amount of ₴3.271T for the year, which is 16.4% more than in 2022.