In 2023, Ukraine received almost $20B in budget aid from its partners.

The head of the Parliament’s budget committee, Roksolana Pidlasa, said that as of mid-June, the state budget’s general fund has received $19.8B from international partners.
The share of externally sourced resources is 48.9% of total resources accumulated by the state since the beginning of the year. Domestic resources, including the placement of military bonds, account for 51.1% of revenues.
The largest external donor to the Ukrainian budget remains the EU, which has already provided $8.1B in soft loans as part of the macro-financial aid program.
At the same time, the largest donor of non-repayable budget aid remains the US. This is especially important when the share of the total volume of state and state-guaranteed debt at the beginning of the year has already reached 78.5% of GDP, the deputy noted.
Since the beginning of the year the budget has also received $2.7B from the IMF and $1.76B from the Canadian government.