In 2022 Ukraine imported goods mostly with motor vehicles and exported by maritime transport.
Wednesday, January 11, 2023

Last year, more than 30 million tons of imported goods were delivered to Ukraine, of which almost 11 million tons were delivered by trucks. The second place in terms of the volume of imports brought to the country was railway with 9.89 million tons, and in third place was sea transport with 7.16 million tons. According to the Ministry of Infrastructure, maritime transport became the leader in the export of goods with 53.86 million tons. The second place was the railway with 33.73 million tons, and the third was road transport with 12 million tons. In total, in 2022, Ukraine exported almost 99.8 million tons of goods and imported more than 30.34 million. The value of exports amounted to nearly $44.2B, and imports to more than $54.5B.