In 2021, Ukroboronprom received over $1B from FEA.
Thursday, January 20, 2022

Revenues from foreign economic activity (FEA) of all Ukroboronprom enterprises in 2021 amounted to $1.1B, which is $127.6M more than in 2020. It is noted that $608.4M was received from special projects exported last year, these products were shipped for $506.9M, and signed contracts amounted to $803.4M. This is 23%, 14%, and 29% more than the year before last, respectively. Revenues of industrial enterprises that conducted foreign trade in 2021 amounted to $499.8M, products shipped totaled $526.4M, and the overall contract amount – $751.2M. Therefore, the figures for 2020 were exceeded by 3%, 12%, and 172% respectively.